Becoming a Member
Those who work within the John Lewis Partnership or are retired Partners are automatically entitled to membership which, as a Partner benefit, is free. Membership of the Club is now open to others who may wish to sail with us upon acceptance and payment of an annual subscription. Those who have in the past worked for the business are now welcome to continue sailing with the Club on payment of a reduced subscription.
“Candidates for Membership (other than Partner Members) must initially submit an application which is supported by a Proposer and a Seconder, both of whom must be Full Members of the Club. Candidates must be able to demonstrate an understanding of the Partnership’s ethos and its application to the Club. The Committee may place a limit on the number of Full Members who are other than Partner Members.“
If you would like more information on becoming a member of have any questions about membership please see our Membership FAQ page, if you arlready know enough, and want to join JLPSC then please fill out the application form below.
The application will be reviewed by the membership secretary and if successful the applicant will be issued with a members login and will enjoy the full benefits of our sailing programme.